(testing out site design with my bird pics)
The Northern Flicker was probably the 2nd bird I’d added to my “favorites”. It was the variety in pattern & palette that drew me in.
The Northern Flicker was probably the 2nd bird I’d added to my “favorites”. It was the variety in pattern & palette that drew me in.
Avian Mix Vol. 1
Northern Flicker, American Kestrel
Northern Flicker, American Kestrel

- striped backs, dotted fronts
- primary hints: yellow shaft, red nape stripe, slate blue head
- primary hints: yellow shaft, red nape stripe, slate blue head

The American Kestrel was defi
nitely my first favorite. I was fortunate enough to spend an entire season getting to know “Kenny” at the Salt Marsh Nature Trails in Marine Park, Brooklyn.
Kenny -
American Kestrel
Falco sparverius (male)
Falco sparverius (male)